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What is the Hedera Hashgraph price?

Hedera Hashgraph price today is $ 0.068993 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 54.03M, market cap of $ 1.02B, and market dominance of 0.09%. The HBAR price decreased -0.80% in the last 24 hours.

Where can I find real-time cryptocurrency prices?

Explore top cryptocurrencies with, where you can find real-time price, coins market cap, price charts, historical data and currency converter. Bookmark the Price page to get snapshots of the market and track nearly 3,000 coins.

What is a Hashgraph algorithm?

A hashgraph is an algorithm that provides the benefits of blockchain technology (decentralization, distribution, and security via hashing) without the hitch of low transaction speeds. While the Bitcoin network boasts around five transactions per second (TPS) and Ethereum 15 TPS, the Hedera network can handle up to 10,000 TPS.

What is the global crypto market cap?

The global crypto market cap is $1.54T, a 2.85% increase over the last day.

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